So my latest adventure and crazy obsession (the last one was crocheting, a lil' more tame fo'sho) is the hard knox roller girls. I have been workin' like crazy to 'make the team' and toughen myself up. So after a long day a work, I headed to m2 to meet up with the hard knox girls. We blanketed the cars, passer-by and bars with flyers (so if you're reading this today, come to the game!) http://www.hardknoxrollergirls.com/ until we ended up at backroom, a bar I just love... There should probably be a bar review on here...
It was First Friday so the crowds were out in full force, even the Jesus guy was on the corner of central and Jackson trying to save my soul. The galleries were hopping, and probably the best show I saw was off central on 8shooters. It featured a few roller girl's breast painted by local artists (there were many other breasts too). The event that evening was to sponsor breast cancer (or something along those lines) and I'm sure it was a great success!
Lox, my faverite hair salon, off central, had a pretty happenin band. I didn't catch the name, but the crowd led me to believe it was goin to be a great show, that and I recognized some of the members were at one time in the Royal Bangs (probably my faverite knox band)
but this is all boiling down to a great band I saw that was awesome enough to give the HKRG a shout out! Sirsy (outta NY) played a few familiar hits and a few originals at Manhattans. That girl can sing! Lemme give out 9 (I really need a rating system here... let's see) stilettos (that's for you kat) out 10. She was hot and they busted out a JT cover and a lil' tom petty in honor of a friend who lost her virginity at a TP concert.
here's their link, tots. check 'em out...
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