So as of this morning, Wilkins Ice Bridge (in Antartica) has snapped. Sited on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, the Wilkins shelf has been retreating since the 1990s. But what does this mean for us? in the immediate now, nothing, but potentially it could mean . . . 1. That global warming is really happening and this might be one of the first major talked about 'proofs' of it. Now I know many, including myself, had no doubt global warming wasn't a lie, but this recent news is very alarming and hopefully many nay-sayers will be mindful of their effects. 2. This isn't a large enough effect to sink lowlaying areas (like florida) but this is dire news at the time of the Obama administration's plea for protection for our ice caps. 3. more ice bergs will find their way out to sea (titanic part deux, anyone?)
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1 comment:
Now might be a great time to start riding a bike.
Or maybe for you designer-types, invent the opposite of the LEED Gold Standard. How about LEED Plutonium Standard. Then send anyone who wins this designation to federal prison.
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